
Chair of Standards and Performance Committee (SPC) Appointed

As our brand-new school moves closer to opening, more and more exciting things are happening at STP. The appointment of the chair of our Local Governing Body, known as our Standards and Performance Committee, is one such piece of news that we are excited to share with you. We are very pleased to announce that Jitesh Nair has been appointed as chair of our SPC.

Alongside being the chair of our SPC, Jitesh is also a trustee at the Shireland Collegiate Academy Trust Board. The board holds the Trust accountable and the Board of Directors must comply with both company law (Companies Act 2006) and charity law as determined by the Charity Commission.

Jitesh has a professional background in management consultancy, with key expertise in strategy consultancy, business and data analysis, information system processes, project management and implementation support. He holds interest in the technology needs for schools, and particularly how it helps in strategic planning and improving school standards.

As well as Jitesh, the SPC will be comprised of:
• Two family governors
• One staff governor
• Two community governors appointed by the Trust
• The Executive Principal or his representative
• The Principal of the Academy
• One co-opted trustee/governor

From September 2019 we will begin recruitment for the family governors; any parents that are interested in becoming a member of the SPC, we would encourage you to keep your eyes peeled for when we send out a letter so that you can put your name forward.

In the meantime, we look forward to bringing you more news as we draw ever closer to September 2019.