Families and carers
We are a part of the local community.
At Shireland Technology Primary we place a strong emphasis on both our school community and the wider locality. At all times we are outward facing, ensuring that communication between ourselves and families is of the utmost importance.
Our communicative tools are three-fold
Face to Face: Throughout the year, there will be two formal opportunities across the year to discuss your child’s progress as well as informal sessions such as Award Assemblies and Inspire Workshops.
Written Communication: Each term we send out a newsletter to families, highlighting all the fantastic successes that have gone on throughout the school.
Online Communication: Our News and Events page will be updated with all of the exciting developments going on at our school as well as a regular Principal’s Blog.
There is also the Learning Gateway that families and pupils have access to, with each class having their own Class Site where teachers post news, dates and homework for their class.
Term dates
Shireland Technology Primary will adhere to the term dates as set out by Sandwell Council. Details of these, as well as additional training days, will be made available here once they have been published.
Parents’ Evening
Throughout the academic year, there are four opportunities for parents to meet with teachers to discuss pupils’ progress.
- We have a Settling-In Evening in October.
- A virtual Parents’ Evening in January that looks at progress over the Autumn Term.
- A face-to-face Parents’ Evening with a choice of appointment over two evenings in April / May
- And a final informal Parental Drop-in Meeting at the end of the year following the annual written report that is sent home to families with assessments included.
All appointments are booked online via the Edulink One app
Family Forum
In order to ensure that we are providing the very best for our families, we hold termly meetings to give parents and carers a chance to voice their opinions. These meetings, known as ‘Family Forums’, will allow for our families to discuss the strengths of our school, as well as areas for improvement. Forging strong relationships between our school and our families is vital to ensure continued developments of the school. The minutes and outcomes of these meetings feed into our Standards and Performance Committee every term.