Where to find us
Shireland Technology Primary
Wilson Road
West Midlands
B66 4BA
site by happy-giraffe.com
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Our school aims to provide an ambitious, rigorous and relevant music curriculum and inspires creativity and excellence in music. Pupils will foster a love of music by providing opportunities for pupils to engage with a wide range of historical periods, genres, styles and traditions, including the works of the great composers and musicians.
Our music curriculum both engages and connects to other learning through thematic study but is not limited to thematic study alone, ensuring that music education is delivered as a connected, yet at times, discrete entity through a Focus Day provision.
The E3L curriculum values music as one of the highest forms of creativity and provides opportunities for in depth, specialist teaching provision to equip pupils with the musical skills to become successful musicians. The curriculum has been informed by the model music curriculum.
In EYFS, music is an integral part of the E3L themes covered during the year and as part of the specific area, Expressive Arts: Being Imaginative. We relate the skill aspects of musicianship to the objectives set out in the Early Learning Goals (ELGs). Music is also used effectively to contributes to a pupil’s personal and social development. Singing and basic rhythm skills are incorporated to support mathematical ability and to enrich knowledge and understanding of the world through cultural diversity.
We encourage pupils to learn to play a musical instrument by providing opportunities within and beyond the music curriculum to support pupils’ creativity and musical thinking. Opportunities are provided for pupils to create and compose music, to sing and learn to use their voices, to explore how music is created, produced and communicated and to harness technology in the creation of music. Pupils are supported by organisations such as the CBSO, Birmingham Conservatoire, Sandwell SIPs and the Black Country Music hub
Pupils are excited by their learning in music and develop a sense of self-confidence through composition and performance. They will develop an appreciation for a wide range of music and are able to offer their opinions about different musical styles.
Pupils demonstrate a high level of creativity, musical skill, knowledge and understanding through the creation of high-quality outcomes, including performance. As part of the music provision, pupils in years EYFS/1/2/3/4/5/6 receive whole class instrumental tuition provided by SIPs.
Pupils make connections in their learning, both within music and with learning from other subject areas, such as history. They use these connections to support their understanding of music genre, composition and performance as well as to support their understanding of society, culture and change over time.
Pupils have a sound understanding of musical concepts, dimensions, composition and broad range of musical skill. They use their musical understanding to create, compose, evaluate and communicate and perform music. Our curriculum aims to remove barriers to learning for pupils with SEND. With support, and curriculum adaptations, SEND pupils are able to express themselves and take an active part in musical sessions. Scaffolding techniques and a variety of AfL strategies are adopted so that all pupils, including those with SEND can progress and flourish.
Their musical knowledge is developed through our use of key pieces of music which support all of our E3L themes and are in both whole class and whole school situations.
As part of the co-curricular music and linked to our core curriculum offer, our school has focus days which run from Year 1 to Year 6 which links to the E3L theme being taught. The day where the curriculum is collapsed, and music is taught by a music specialist. This supports the coverage of the MMC and deepens pupils understanding of the music curriculum. Our focus day provision is supported and delivered by a primary music specialist to deepen and enhance the pupils’ knowledge and skills of music.
Throughout the school there are other musical opportunities that are given to the pupils.
Pupils take part in musical instrument lessons outside of school for example, keyboard, violin and tabla. Use of pupil premium funding allows children to access music lessons alongside parental contributions.
Pupils take part in choral activities that lead to performance, at a large scale as part of the ‘Young Voices’ choir, and smaller performances at local venues. Pupils are also given opportunity to perform within the school for peers and family during performance dedicated assemblies and concerts.
For those pupils who are considered gifted and talented, our school seeks help and support to further develop them from CBSO/SIPs/SCBSO/Birmingham Conservatoire. This support has included access to further music tuition, live experiences of orchestra performances and contemporary music workshops.
Pupils are given many opportunities to have musical experiences including singing assemblies that take place on a weekly basis. In these sessions, both staff and students are encouraged to develop a love of singing and understand the mental wellbeing benefits to singing in a large group.
Pupils participate in end of Key Stage performances. These include nativities at the end of EYFS and Key Stage 1, and musical performances and the end of Key Stage 2. Pupils participate in choral activities around Christmas including carol concerts and musical showcases. In these performances, pupils get a chance to experience performing to a larger audience and performing both individually and in groups.
In school, free concerts are shown. These are provided to our school by partnership providers including the CBSO and SIPs music. Pupils also have the opportunity to perform in their own repertoire project that is supported and lead by musicians from the CBSO. Their musical performances are recorded and shared wider than just the school community. Examples of this include performances linked to Holst’s Planets Suite and Mussorgsky’s Pictures at an Exhibition. Young voices and live performances at Birmingham Hippodrome are funded through use of pupil premium.
Through our partnership with SIPs music, we have the chance to work with experts from conductive music to develop an understanding of how music can be incorporated into a range of STEM activities.
Through a partnership with the Birmingham Conservatoire, our pupils are offered visits to watch performances given by the musical students and staff of the conservatoire. A recent concert featured operatic performances from eight talented singers in a variety of languages and voice types, demonstrating to staff and students how opera creatively combines drama and music to create a unique form of storytelling through emotions.
The following are where music will be further development in the subsequent years to follow:
Shireland Technology Primary School is part of the Shireland Collegiate Academy Trust, which recognises the intrinsic value of music education and the enormous creative, personal, and academic benefits that engagement with music can develop. In particular, we acknowledge that all pupils regardless of background are entitled to a rigorous and rich Music education that inspires the next generation of musicians and music-lovers and exposes all to a wealth of cultural capital. We are committed to developing our provision across all primary and secondary phases in line with the latest curriculum guidance and with the support of specialist practitioners both within and without the trust.