Promoting a Culture of Openness: Shireland Technology Primary Celebrates World Mental Health Day

Shireland Technology Primary recently marked World Mental Health Day with a powerful series of activities focused on raising awareness and breaking down the barriers surrounding mental health. The school community came together to address the importance of children’s mental well-being and continuing to promote an environment where pupils feel empowered to open up and share their feelings.

In a show of support for mental health awareness, pupils wore something yellow to school, symbolising their commitment to erasing the stigma around mental health. Inside the classrooms, students took part in relaxing yoga sessions, focusing on mindfulness and the importance of looking after their mental health. Teachers also guided discussions on the vital role of speaking to trusted adults when struggling with emotions and encouraged students to feel comfortable expressing their feelings without fear or shame.

Andy Collins, Associate Principal at Shireland Technology Primary, said: “World Mental Health Day provided a crucial opportunity for us to help break down the walls that can prevent children and adults from talking openly about their mental health. It’s not enough to simply acknowledge the issue – we must continue to promote a space where students feel safe, heard, and supported.

“The activities we carried out allowed our pupils to understand that their emotions matter, and it’s okay to talk about them. I am deeply proud of our school community for uniting to raise awareness and support this incredibly important cause.”

The day also included a fundraising initiative for Young Minds, a charity dedicated to supporting young people’s mental health. Through the generosity of parents, staff, and students, the school raised over £100 to help fund this vital work.

Shireland Technology Primary extends heartfelt thanks to everyone who participated and donated, reinforcing the power of community in creating a culture of openness and understanding when it comes to mental health.